EXE is the most dominant name in Sofia’s dance music listings, with the crew regularly drawing in just under 1,000 punters to their bunker three nights per week. A recently upgraded sound system has further improved the subterranean house and techno haunt, which is home to residents like Pavel Petrov, Peepou, Vorick and Bagerziev. Bookings over the past year have included Patrick Mason, Konstantin Sibold, SPFDJ, Joris Voorn, Sama’ Abdulhadi, Claptone, Themba and Solardo. Meanwhile, extern (...)
EXE is the most dominant name in Sofia’s dance music listings, with the crew regularly drawing in just under 1,000 punters to their bunker three nights per week. A recently upgraded sound system has further improved the subterranean house and techno haunt, which is home to residents like Pavel Petrov, Peepou, Vorick and Bagerziev. Bookings over the past year have included Patrick Mason, Konstantin Sibold, SPFDJ, Joris Voorn, Sama’ Abdulhadi, Claptone, Themba and Solardo. Meanwhile, external parties, a five-day festival at coastal sister venue EXE Beach in June, and December’s 10th anniversary all betray a packed calendar at HQ and beyond.