For Promoters

Welcome to the TOPDJ platform—your ultimate tool for showcasing the vibrant world of music. As a promoter, you have the power to bring the latest updates, events, and exciting content to a global audience. Here’s how you can make the most of our platform:

  • Upload News

    Keep our community informed with the latest trends and developments in the music industry. Share updates about new releases, artist achievements, and other significant news through our easy-to-use publishing tools.

  • Share Mixes

    Showcase your mixes and DJ sets to a broader audience. Upload your tracks and mixes directly to our platform, where fans and fellow DJs can listen, share, and comment, making your mixes a highlight of our music community.

  • Post Videos

    Share engaging video content including live performances, behind-the-scenes footage, and artist interviews. Our platform supports video uploads, allowing you to connect with your audience through dynamic visual content.

  • Promote Events

    Get the word out about upcoming events, festivals, and club nights. Create detailed event listings with dates, venues, and ticket information to ensure your events reach music lovers and attract attention.

  • Highlight Artists and Festivals

    Feature profiles and stories about artists and festivals. Provide in-depth information, interviews, and highlights to give your audience a comprehensive view of the artists and events shaping the music scene.

  • List Clubs and Venues

    Create and update listings for clubs and venues where fans can experience live performances. Share essential details, such as location and upcoming events, to help music enthusiasts find their next favorite spot.